As a dentist we treat cavities and teeth. We also “clean” teeth. But when one truly gets behind the curtain to find out what is breaking down and why… we see there is a larger picture that must be
Looking back in time of yesteryears, people lived a healthier lifestyle. Certainly, life span was shorter and has been improved by the improvements in medical care and intervention. But nevertheless, people ate better. They used more natural items and exercised more. Life was more active physically than today.
Holistic Dentistry is nothing more than providing the proper conditions for the body to help heal itself better and faster. Holistic dentistry’s focus is to not introduce unnecessary chemicals or substances into the body that may harm tissues, organs or our own ability to heal.
The ability of the body to help itself more is what this holistic trend is about. We provide medical and dental care considering the entire body and how it is a balanced part of the entirety of the human body.
The human body is made up of approximately 75% water. If that water is polluted, the body is sick. If the water can or could be replaced with non-polluted water, then the body should heal and improve. We use this simple analogy to make a point. Whatever goes into the body should be as clean as possible so the body can benefit as much as possible from it.
Holistic dentists believe the body is an energy field and made up of electrical charges. If we place dentistry in someone, we use nonmetallic materials to not disrupt that electrical charge. Therefore, the so called “holistic” fillings and crowns are just materials that have no reactivity to electricity. There are proven methods to use while removing some of the older metallic materials to make it better and safer for all. But the bottom line is for dentistry not to create an electrical interruption.
Medical advances have given us the ability to test people’s saliva and DNA analysis to evaluate conditions like periodontal disease and diabetes. Both of these conditions have been proven to be quite sickening to the body. If we can identify these conditions early, they can be treated and probably reversed with proper care. Holistic dentists work in cohesion many times with other practitioners. For example, we work closely with MDs like functional medicine providers. We also work very closely with Pulmonologists, ENTs and cardiologists. But there are also some other alliances that are beneficial to proper healing and success. These can be lumped into what I call the body group: They are physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, etc…
With the assistance of all these health professionals, the human can live a long and healthy happy life.
Additionally, using the proper vitamin and mineral sources to complement our foods along with ph balanced water goes a long way to this healthy state.
Consider good quality vitamins and minerals. Not the cheapest ones, but the real ones and add calcium and Vitamin D3 to your diet.
Here are some other areas of Holistic Interests…
Ozone therapy: The therapy using Ozone has bee used for many years in medicine and dentistry. It is also being used in everyday practices like cleaning and disinfecting. We use this Ozone in dentistry primarily in 2 forms. The gaseous form is what is used to disinfect fillings, cavities, cavitations, extraction sockets etc… The liquid form is a mixture of clean water mixed with Ozone generated from the machine specifically for the patient at the appointment visit. This water version is sued to rinse, detoxify and or clean old dentures etc…
Activated Charcoal: this item is used for many things. From just a simple stomach ache to handle a previous night of a bit too much to drink, the benefits are endless. But in dentistry it is mostly used for assistance when removing old amalgams and in preparation of the body for such metal removal. It aids in blocking metal vapors from entering the tissues. Along with extra special suction devices and vacuums, this also aids in keeping our patients clear.
Ozone gels and CBD ointments are just to new to truthfully recommend these in this age. There seems to be a positive sign of good things to come, but for now our office is just maintaining a neutral position on these. Maybe in the not so long future, the medical community may have solid verifiable facts on its uses and benefits. Until then, we all wait in healthy anticipation.
Call us to find out more about Holistic dentistry and the any areas of benefit.