Headaches…The real pain in the neck.
Just about everyone gets them and suffers from them. They range from the mild discomfort in the temple area to the head thundering, eyesight disturbing kind that just seems to never go away.
The public accepts it and assumes that it is part of the business of life, but this could not be further from the truth. Some people will go their entire life suffering from these debilitating painful episodes.
Headaches can be categorized into two groups. First is those affecting the inner linings of the skull or the meninges. Secondly, those affecting everywhere else.
Most everyone falls into the second category. The true migraine headache is inside the skull and could not ever be triggered via touching the outer side of the head. Therefore, when most say they’ve got a migraine, what they are really saying is more indicative to the intensity of the pain.
We can assume that many patients are being treated one way, when they should be treated another. Now, this is not to say that people should never get headaches, but that they should not be common, and should be treated first with a more complex and differential diagnostic process. Let’s assume for a moment that the commander and chief of our bodies is the head. This is where all the orders and information are generated from. If something in the chief is not working properly, or at a less than perfect output, one could assume then less production. Also, it may include more stress and strain on the machine. Therefore, the machine would be working harder and producing less while wearing itself out quicker. Here is where the headaches come into play.
If by a process of elimination and examination, one rules out certain factors, then we could realistically reach a long-term verdict on the culprit and fix it once and for all.
The first area that needs to be evaluated properly is the temporo-mandibular joints, the teeth, and the muscles of the head and neck involved with mastication. You will find that many times, this is the main area causing difficulties and pain. If the masticatory system is not in harmony, then the body is given not so perfect orders. We have to make certain that the orders are being given by a well balanced, harmonious commanding organ.
The temporo-mandibular joints are a bilateral, modified ball and socket. They will remain in the socket during harmony but will always be pulled out of the socket during unbalanced teeth and or muscles. There are 3 main ways of determining the status of the joint. First, there is the manipulation of the hinge apparatus, then, the radiographic or x-rays method, lastly is the Doppler auscultation which detects and amplifies the sounds made during opening and closing of the mouth. The examination methods will give ample information as to the severity of the condition within the joint.
The following is that all the teeth must be correctly and thoroughly examined. We look for any discrepancies and unbalanced teeth during the mastication function. Then, we proceed to evaluate the muscles of mastication. Those are found in the head and neck areas. Any sign of tenderness and or pain is indicative of a strained muscle. By palpating these areas, we can assess the movements that the mandible goes through to execute an entire motion of closure.
When teeth do not come in together evenly and harmoniously, they will cause some destruction. Either the teeth themselves break, or the bone support breaks down, or the joint suffers deterioration. All these are undesirable, and extreme effort should be made to never allow this to occur. Besides, the unbalanced teeth are in constant forceful function, so they remain sore and are also constantly fracturing. They also cause cold sensitivities.
The methods for correction are straight forward. After the diagnosis is determined, the simplest method of correction should be chosen. These can range from a simple bite equilibration, orthodontic repositioning of the teeth, joint surgery or rehabilitating the remaining teeth. At times, we employ the use of a bite splint to make the patient comfortable before the final diagnosis is made.
So, if you or someone you know is suffering from headaches, see the dentist immediately for an evaluation. The difference could be living pain free.
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